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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rally promoted on Facebook against Kyleigh's Law to be held at Morris County lawmakers' office


Check out this link on Kyleigh's law. People are saying they are going to have a rally to try to repeal the law. It targets children and lets predators know that they are 17 years old. The rally started on facebook and it is said to take place today. Check it out.

heres what it says:

"Kyleigh’s Law, which requires young drivers to display decals on their license plates, continues to stir opposition, both from teens who are mostly affected by it and parents who say it makes youths targets for predators.

A rally promoted on Facebook purportedly by students against Kyleigh’s Law is expected to be held today at the Morris County office of a trio of District 24 Republican lawmakers who voted for the law last year when it overwhelmingly passed the Legislature.

Those lawmakers, state Sen. Steve Oroho, Assemblywoman Alison McHose and Assemblyman Gary Chiusano, all of Sussex, now are considering backing new Senate and Assembly bills that aim to repeal the law, said chief of staff Jeff Spatola.

"We have not come out publicly for a repeal yet. It’s something we are considering," Spatola said. "People who are calling in with real concerns think this wasn’t thought through at all. There’s real concern with putting kids in harm’s way in terms of predators."

Sen. Tom Goodwin, (R-Mercer), sponsor of the Senate repeal bill, today announced his own online petition for repeal.

"The bottom line is that red decal becomes a bullseye directly on that auto and that driver. It’s profiling young drivers," said Goodwin, who was not a lawmaker last year.

The law is named after Kyleigh D’Alessio, 16, of Long Valley, who was killed in a 2006 crash. Pam Fischer, director of the state Division of Highway Traffic Safety, who chaired a state Teen Driver Study Commission in 2007 that recommended Kyleigh’s Law, said the panel found decals would not make teens targets of predators. She also is "baffled" at opposition from legislators who voted for the law.

"This was not done in a vacuum. We did our homework," Fischer said. "We need those with this knee-jerk reaction to go back and look at the report. It’s not even two weeks since this took effect. You have to allow time to implement it. And we’re going to be evaluating it," through research, focus groups and data from courts, citations and police."


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